Treatment of
Vaginal Discharge without Itching
Written by : Dr.M.D.Mazumdar, MD
Treatment of vaginal discharge depends on the cause.
If the discharge is due to a normally occurring event in the body like ovulation, then it should be explained to the patient. She should be reassured about the same.
If the vaginal discharge is very copious in amount and causes discomfort, use of thin panty liners or vaginal pads will keep the genital area dry and prevent infections.
If the color of the vaginal discharge, smell or consistency suggests the possibility of an infection or a pathological cause, then a thorough checkup is needed to help identify the cause of the discharge.
The pH of the vagina should be checked with a ph paper - an elevated pH (i.e., >4.5) is common with Bacterial vaginosis or trichomoniasis. These are further confirmed by a potassium hydroxide (KOH) test, and microscopic examination of fresh samples of the discharge.Treatment is started accordingly.
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Douching should be strictly avoided. Sexual intercourse should be avoided as far as possible during the course of the treatment. The male partner need not be treated as it is not a sexually transmitted disease.
Improving the general health will also stimulate the immune system of the body and help to combat infections.
This can be done by taking supplements of various vitamins- Vitamins like B-Complex Capsules, High strength Multivitamin Capsules, Iron capsules to correct anaemia and Folic Acid tablets should be taken.
Other supplementary vitamins and minerals that increase the resistance of the body to infections of various types are Vitamin C 500 mg tablets taken once daily, Acidophilus to increase the growth of lactobacilli and help prevent growth of gardnerella and Zinc tablets to increase the body's immunity to infection.
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