Vaginal Discharge with Itching
Written by : Dr.M.D.Mazumdar, MD
Women with vaginal discharge without itching can bear it for many years without complaining.
But vaginal discharge with itching tends to be much more uncomfortable.
Vaginal itching may be so severe that it may be difficult to control. And when it occurs in public, it can lead a woman almost to tears.
It is not uncommon to find a woman heading for the nearest washroom just to scratch herself in private.
Causes of Vaginal Discharge with Itching
There are three main causes of vaginal discharge with itching:
The main characteristic and the chief complaint of the patient is severe itching. The itching may be all over the vulva but is more in and around the vagina. The labia minora and the vagina may become swollen and painful from the inflammation and constant scratching, so much so, that sexual intercourse may become difficult and painful. Sometimes, even walking and sitting may cause discomfort and pain. Click here to Read More ...
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Some amount of candida are present on the skin all over the body, including the vulval areas and inner thighs. They usually do not cause any infection. But sometimes, if the body's immune system is low due to any cause (stress, illness etc), or if the vaginal ph changes, the conditions become adequate for the yeast to grow and multply rapidly. This can cause yeast infection in the vagina and vulva.
The main symptom is vaginal discharge with itching or irritation inside the vagina and around the vaginal opening. There is a thick and cheesy vaginal discharge, red and inflamed vagina and pain during passage of urine or during sex. Click here to Read More ...
It grows well in the warm and moist reproductive tracts of both males and females. In females, the commonest sites of infection are the urethra, the cervix, the uterus and the fallopian tubes . It can also grow in other warm and moist areas of the body like the mouth and the anus.
The chief symptom is a thick whitish or yellowish creamy vaginal discharge with itching, increased frequency of passing urine, pain around the vagina and urethral area and in some women, spotting or bleeding between the periods. Click here to Read More ...
The low estrogen level decreases the immunity of the vaginal walls and leaves the mucosa unable to resist infections by pathogenic organisms. This condition can occur not just after menopause, but also in the premenopausal period when the estrogen levels begin to decrease.
The main symptoms are severe vaginal itching which is usually due to dryness of the vaginal mucosa. severity of the itching may be increased due to a yeast infection. A thin whitish vaginal discharge which may occasionally be blood stained may occur. Sex becomes difficult due to both the vaginal dryness as well as the associated inflammation. Read More ...
Other less common causes are:
Vaginal discharge and itching may be due to either the infection and inflammation of the wounds or due to secondary yeast infection.
Also Read-
- Normal Vaginal Discharge without Itching.
- Vaginal Itching without Discharge.
- Vaginal Discharge in Ovulation .
- Different Colours of the Vaginal Discharge .
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