Books on Menstruation

The start of hormonal changes can be troubling, even traumatic, for young girls. Now fully revised and updated with a parents' guide, Period explains in a straightforward manner the changes all girls go through, answers common questions, and includes a brief description of a pelvic exam.
The book uses diagrams to familiarize readers with the inner workings of their bodies, including what happens during menstruation. A question-and-answer format in the last three chapters allows girls to locate easily the information they seek. A parent's guide bound into the back suggests how to begin a conversation about puberty, what to cover, etc. A thoughtful approach for young women facing changes.

Highly accessible, down-to-earth text gives women the treatment options for reducing the symptoms of PMS(Pre-menstrual syndrome). This self-help guide allows women to identify the problems causing their PMS (over sixteen different causes are identified here, with different treatment recommendations) and move to eliminate or reduce PMS symptoms.

From adjusting diet to understanding the importance of sleep quality, this provides strong tips. As you gradually apply the techniques in the book to your life, your health will definately improve. Although the book has a solid scientific basis, it is clearly written and upbeat. It provides useful tools and information and will encourage me to more fully take charge of your own health. While many women endure PMS, it is not normal and does not have to be part of your life.

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The essential guidebook for every girl. The Period Book is a reassuring must-read for every girl about to have her period, and every parent wishing to prepare a daughter for this important milestone. With more than 300,000 copies sold, The Period Book stands out from the pack by specifically addressing younger girls. And with eleven now the average age at which girls get their period, this supportive and practical approach, providing clear and sensitive answers to common questions, is evern more welcome today. The revised edition includes a new introduction for parents and an additional chapter about body image.

This book offers a complete program of yoga poses designed for menstrual health, new medical information on diet and lifestyle, and instruction on meditation and breathing techniques that relieve common symptoms experienced by many women, including: Premenstrual syndrome; Menstrual cramps; Heavy periods; Bloating and pain from uterine fibroids; Pain from endometriosis and pelvic inflammatory disease.
The yoga poses are focused on addressing specific needs such as pms, menstrual cramps, amenorrhea, and endometriosis. Each pose has pictures and explains how to go into the pose and what it is beneficial for. It also tells you when a pose is not recommended. The poses are divided up into specific sequences so there is some overlap.

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Reclaim a sense of love and honor for your body and your menstrual cycle, 105 Ways to Celebrate Menstruation invites you to explore healing tools that promote wellness and empowerment for your menstrual experience.
This is a valuable book for all menstruating women and women with teenage daughters. It helps women better understand their body cycles and how to use menstruation as a tool for personal growth and self-healing. You will find wonderful herbal recipes that have been formulated from Kami's fifteen years of teaching women's health. Simple and easy to read, you will feel inspired to nurture and care for yourself, creating a healthier and more balanced menstrual cycle.

In this hip, hilarious and truly eye-opening cultural history, menstruation is talked about as never before. Flow spans its fascinating, occasionally wacky and sometimes downright scary story: from mikvahs (ritual cleansing baths) to menopause, hysteria to hysterectomies - not to mention the Pill, cramps, the history of underwear, and the movie about puberty they showed you in 5th grade.
Flow answers such questions as: What's the point of getting a period? What did women do before pads and tampons? What about new drugs that promise to end periods-a hot idea or not? Sex during your period: gross or a turn-on? And what's normal, anyway?

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Examining cultures as diverse as long-house dwellers in North Borneo, African farmers, Welsh housewives, and postindustrial American workers, this volume dramatically redefines the anthropological study of menstrual customs. It challenges the widespread image of a universal "menstrual taboo" as well as the common assumption of universal female subordination which underlies it. Contributing important new material and perspectives to our understanding of comparative gender politics and symbolism, it is of particular importance to those interested in anthropology, women's studies, religion, and comparative health systems.

Girls Only!" focuses on the practicalities of periods, the social and personal implications of starting your period, and the physical and emotional developments in puberty.
It tells you what happens and when, what you need to know and how to prepare. It answers all the questions girls are dying to ask, but daren't, in a clear, friendly way, using real-life examples.
It's the perfect first book about periods for girls of primary school age as it provides information at the right level. The tone is positive and reassuring and complemented by quirky illustrations throughout.

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This is not the type of book most people would just pick up and read. But, believe it or not, it is incredibly fun, as well as invaluably informative. Simply put, the Curse provides information not found nowhere else. It takes you through the history of menstruation from culture to culture, detailing the superstitions, myths and eventual understanding of all phases of menstruation. The latter part of the book dwells on our current perceptions, as seen not only socially and culturally, but through literature and film. The authors also evaluate current feminine products, from douches to pads and tampons, providing an actual analysis of their usefulness and dangers that is very rarely discussed in other forums.

'What's going on with my body?'; 'What does menstruation feel like?'; and, 'How will my friends react?'. Unlike the standard 'just-the-facts' approach, this book of short stories and factual information provides the reader with her very own confidantes, others who share a common experience.
"Sweet Secrets" dispels myths with current, up-to-date health information about menstruation.

A unique and reassuring collection, it empowers young women to celebrate this rite of passage with informed confidence.

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This book is mostly written for a mother. It has stories from girls and their mothers on how they feel about the subject of menstruation. However there is also a chapter just for Fathers on how to deal with their menstruating daughters and stories about how they learned about menstruation and how to talk to their sons about it.

You can buy this book to give you an idea of where to begin the talks with your daughter, how to answer her questions, and the right language to use to make it easier for her to understand what is going to happen to her body. Reading this you will feel more confident that you can now talk to her about all the changes of her body and that she will feel comfortable talking to you also.

A Time to Celebrate shows the menstrual cycle as a gift and a healthy function of the female body. It is a book a mother, father, sister, aunt, grandmother, friend or mentor can give to a girl to celebrate her first menstrual period. This momentous time in her life should be recognized like all other occasions and her transition from girlhood to womanhood honored. This book portrays a positive picture of menstruation which helps empower girls and teaches them to love, care for, and respect their body. The more a girl knows about her body, the more she will take control of it and make the right choices for herself. Included in the book are charts for keeping track of her period and feelings, and a journal for writing her thoughts and creative expressions. It is never too late to celebrate this time and make it a special rite of passage. Every girl should have a copy of this book even if she has already started her period.

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MY LITTLE RED BOOK is an anthology of stories about first periods, collected from women of all ages from around the world. The accounts range from light-hearted (the editor got hers while water skiing in a yellow bathing suit) to heart-stopping (a first period discovered just as one girl was about to be strip-searched by the Nazis).
But this book is more than a collection of stories. It is a call for a change in attitude, for a new way of seeing periods. By revealing what it feels like to undergo this experience first hand, and giving women the chance to explain their feelings in their own words, it aims to provide support, entertainment, and a starting point for discussion for mothers and daughters everywhere. It is a book every girl should have. Period.

For the 30 to 40 percent of women afflicted with PMS, traditional medicine can offer no genuine cures, only hormones, anti-depressants, and temporary pain-killers.

Offering a practical, easy-to-implement plan for recovery from even the most debilitating forms of PMS, herbalist Linda Woolven outlines a natural powerhouse regimen of herbs, vitamins, minerals, and nutritional changes.

A comprehensive guide to every aspect of women's menstrual and sexual health, the book also addresses menopause and osteoporosis. Combining scientific research and clinical experience with clear practical guidelines, this is an essential how-to health book for women of all ages.

Speaking with the sensitivity of an older, trusted sister, Marvis Jukes assures readers that the changes, or lack of, in their bodies are perfectly normal.
She covers body hair and shaving, perspiration and deodorant, and how to buy your first bra. Jukes details the pros and cons of pads and tampons and gives practical, safe advice for alleviating cramps.
Birth control and teenage sexual activity is not covered.
The narration has an easy, comfortable voice and imparts accurate and important information while assuring readers that they can still be children even though they've entered puberty.

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