Abnormal Vaginal Discharge without Itching
Written by : Dr.M.D.Mazumdar, MD
Previous - Normal Vaginal Discharge without Itching.
Vaginal discharge without itching is usually due to normal physiological causes like ovulation or pregnancy. Sometimes however, it can be in response to some disease process in the body.
Although this vaginal discharge can be clear or whitish, presence of an infection can cause the colour of the discharge to change to greenish or yellowish or creamy. If there is presence of pus, it will be thick and mucoprulent (mucous mixed with pus) or purulent (similar to pus). Infection may also cause the vaginal discharge to smell different - foul-smelling or fishy or musty.
Vaginal discharge due to a disease process like infection invariably causes itching as well. But sometimes only vaginal discharge without itching can occur in certain specific infections or conditions. Some of these conditions are :
The normal ph of the vagina is slightly acidic and this acidity is maintained by lactobacilli present in the vagina. If the lactobacilli decreases in number due to any cause, the ph becomes less acidic allowing Gardnerella to grow and cause Bacterial Vaginosis. It causes a typical fishy odour that is more evident after sex or during the menstrual period.

Clue Cells of Bacterial Vaginosis
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In this condition, the normal squamous mucosa of the vagina may get replaced by columnar mucosa in some areas of the vagina. These patches of columnar mucosa contain glands that secrete a white mucoid discharge.
Very young girls may also insert small objects like beads or pebbles inside the vagina while playing.
These foreign bodies can stimulate the cervical glands to produce more mucous in an attempt to get rid of the foreign body. Mucus is also produced to cover the object and make it less irritating to the tissues. Excessive mucus can cause increased vaginal discharge.
But infection of the tumour by bacteria can change the nature of the secretions to a foul smelling, yellowish or greenish discharge.
Next - Treatment of Vaginal Discharge without Itching.
Also Read-
- Vaginal Itching without Discharge.
- Vaginal Discharge with Itching .
- Vaginal Discharge during Ovulation.
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