Symptoms of Pregnancy
Written by Dr.M.D.Mazumdar, MD
Many different symptoms can occur during pregnancy. While missed period or loss of period is the most important symptom, other symptoms at different times during pregnancy can also be present.

Loss of Periods
The loss of periods is the definitive symptom of pregnancy.Pregnancy occurs when a sperm fertilizes an egg at around the 14th day of the menstrual cycle. The normal length of a menstrual cycle is 28 days (4weeks). But it varies from woman to woman. It can be as early as 7 days before the date or 7 days after the date - in clinical terms, a normal menstrual cycle is written as 28 +/- 7 days. If a woman in the reproductive age group misses her periods by more than 7 days, a pregnancy test should always be done. Read more ....
Morning Sickness
Morning sickness with vomiting and nausea is one of the earliest symptoms of pregnancy. It usually starts 1-2 weeks after the first missed period and then gradually increases in severity till about the 12th week ('1st trimester'). Then the acute symptoms gradually subsides. It is more common and more severe in the first pregnancy than in later pregnancies. Read more ....

Back pain occurs in almost all pregnant women to a greater or lesser extent, especially in the later stages of pregnancy. Stretching of the muscles and ligaments of the back due to increased curvature of the spine in pregnancy is one of the main causes of backpain in pregnancy. Read more ....
Almost half of all pregnant women suffer from constipation at some time or other during their pregnancy. Constipation usually starts in the first trimester of pregnancy, is relieved to some extent in the second trimester and occurs again in the third trimester. Read more ....
Fatigue in Pregnancy
Fatigue is one of the earliest signs of pregnancy. Some women may complain of extreme tiredness and fatigue even before the first missed menstrual periods. Fatigue can increase as pregnancy progresses. Read more ....
Headaches in Pregnancy
Chronic headaches can be a recurring problem in some women, especially in early pregnancy. It can be a flare up of previous migraines or may first start in pregnancy. Read more ....
Indigestion and Heartburn in Pregnancy
Indigestion and heartburn is much more common in pregnant women than in other women. This is because the rising levels of the hormone, progesterone during pregnancy causes relaxation of all the smooth muscles of the body, including that of the intestines and the stomach. Read more ....
Leg cramps in Pregnancy
Many women complain of cramping pain in the legs, more so in the calf muscles, when they are pregnant. The toes may also be affected. Sometimes this pain occurs all through pregnancy, but it is usually more common in the later three months. Read more ....
Increased Salivation in Pregnancy
Many women complain that increased salivation is one of the most uncomfortable symptoms that they encounter during their pregnancy. They have their mouth full of spit at all times of the day. Spitting does not help as the mouth fills up almost at once. Some women even drool at night. Read more ....
For many women, insomnia and sleeplessness is a very real problem. Some women complain that they do manage to fall asleep but wake up again in the middle of the night and then stay awake for a very long time. This occurs more often in the later part of pregnancy. Read more ....
Sore Breasts in Pregnancy
The first symptom of pregnancy for many women, are sore and sensitive breasts. Breast soreness can occur as early as 1 - 2 weeks after fertilization and conception, or even before the first missed periods. Most however feel their breasts becoming sore at about 4-6 weeks after the first missed periods. Read more ....

Stretch Marks in Pregnancy
Stretch Marks
Stretch marks appear in most but not in all pregnant women, and not just on the lower abdomen. They may be seen on the breasts, upper inner arms, waist etc. Stretch marks occur when the skin is stretched in a very short period of time, as in pregnancy or in obesity. Read more ....
Swollen Ankles in Pregnancy
As the uterus increases in size, it presses on the veins carrying blood back from the legs to the heart. Swollen ankles occur when the blood in the legs stagnates and fluid leaks out of the blood vessels into the extracellular space at the ankles and feet as they are the lowermost part of the body. Read more ....Vaginal Discharge in Pregnancy
Once a woman is pregnant, she may notice that her vaginal discharge has increased. The discharge may be thick or thin, scanty or profuse. Sometimes, she may find a little thick mucus sticking to her panties. Or the discharge may be so excessive that it makes the panties wet and she needs to use vaginal pads for protection. Read more ....Varicose Veins in Pregnancy
Varicose veins or enlarged veins are a common feature in pregnancy especially in the 3rd trimester of pregnancy. Older women who have been pregnant earlier are more likely to suffer from this problem. Read more ....Read More:
Also Read-
- Causes of male Infertility.
- Menopause - Some basic facts.
- Why the period can get delayed .
- First Stage of Labor.
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